22 September 2007

Vital Statistics

On the 21st day of September, this year of 2007, at 3:11 in the P.M., we were graced with the birth of our son, Aedan Bradley Mitchell. He weighed in at 8lbs. 15.4oz. and measured 21 1/2" long. The birth was short and painless, as my wife, "The Champ" took another one for the team, delivering naturally with no pain medication. Ok, I've been told that painless is a matter of interpretation. However, the birth was very quick, surprising everyone (especially Virginia the nurse). He slept through his first nite almost completely after nursing a few times through the evening and has just graced us once again this morning after being poked and prodded by various doctors and witches (just kidding about the witches). We have also just confirmed that he is, in fact, our child as he is beginning to look more and more like his big brother. More soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey you two! Congratulations on another beautiful lil boy.
