28 August 2008
27 August 2008
26 August 2008
21 August 2008
You're so vain
I'm not vain. To the contrary, I have a poor self-image these days, especially when it comes to seeing photos of myself. But I'm tired of hiding every time a camera comes my way--because I do recognize that this is not normal--and I want my boys to have pictures with me, if for no other reason than as an accurate reflection of the way we spent their childhood. So I've been taking more and more self-portraits lately (usually during Finn's long afternoon naps, which is why he can't pop into any of the shots like Aedan can, as below) in an attempt to desensitize myself to the camera. Photo therapy, if you will.
My apologies for the apologia, as I know that my audience is here for pics of the boys, but this is a blog after all!
19 August 2008
Any ideas?
This is a volunteer in our garden whose identity is confounding me. I've read that volunteer squash are particularly hard to identify because they might not come back looking like their parents. Still, I'm leaning towards a scallop or patty pan. Which would mean, pick it when? Please! I need help from any gardeners out there!