04 September 2008

Home decorators collection

Husband bought us a beautiful home to live in, and as with all things Husband gives me--undying love and affection, marriage, our two sweet boys--I try to earn it. I like to think that I pull through on my end of the bargain for the most part...like when I smashed the car into the side of the garage so that I wouldn't hit the easy chair that we were planning to throw out, or when I slaved over a hot stove last night to serve Husband gourmet franks 'n beans (Open can of beans. Heat. Open package of hot dogs. Heat. Cut hot dog into bite size pieces. Combine ingredients and serve!), or those two times that I squeezed a baby out of what I assure you was a very small window, hardly even issuing a complaint and letting fly only one expletive, which despite my embarrassment, the doctor assured me was sheer eloquence.

But sometimes, I will be the first to admit, it's hard to muster up the energy even to try, and I give up a little. Case and point: today's living room. This is one of my favorite views of our living room, but I'm not sure the diapers (plus a random assortment of puzzle pieces, toys, crayons, burping cloths, and possibly, although I wouldn't stake my life on it, a few cookie crumbs) quite do justice to what should otherwise be pictured in a Pottery Barn catalog.

(For an extra touch of class, you can put the beans in a bowl or soup plate before you serve them, but this is not necessary, as Husband can testify.)

1 comment:

Angel at Aduladi' said...

Hey! When did you take a picture of my house?

Oh wait... it only looks like my house.